Having A Mallet Finger Unfortunately Means You Have Damaged The Tendon In Your Finger.
Mallet Finger Treatment- The fingers and thumb have many bones and tendons that work togehter to straighten and bend. Flexor tendons are on the palm side of your hand and they serve to bend your fingers. Extensor tendons are on the top of your hand and they straighten your fingers and thumb when bent.
Mallet Finger Treatment- If you have experienced a mallet injury, it happens when an object hits the tip of your finger or thumb, tearing the extensor tendon. This often occurs when playing baseball, but in some cases, even in a minor incident, like tucking in a bedsheet, it can cause you to have a mallet finger.
The mallet finger condition is sometimes referred to as “baseball finger,” but the blow of any hard object can injure a finger or your thumb. Mallet finger causes immediate pain and swelling and can cause the long-term inablity to function correctly.