Surgery For Dupuytren’s Contracture is generally not needed if your fingers can be straightened fully. It becomes necessary when it’s impossible for you to stretch your hand out flat out. Dr. Pournaras can discuss with you, your options on the type of surgery that is best to treat your condition. The procedure can be done under local, regional (injection of local anesthetic at the shoulder) or general anesthetic.
The contracted cord of Dupuytren’s disease is simply cut in the palm, in the finger or in both.
Segmental Fasciectomy
Short segments of the cord are removed through one or more small incisions.
Regional Fasciectomy
Through a single longer incision, the entire cord is removed.
The cord is removed together with the overlying skin and the skin is replaced with a graft taken usually from the upper arm. This surgery is usually the best option for the recurrent of the disease, or for extensive disease in a younger patient to help prevent recurrence.